We have worked with most European Transmission System Operators like TenneT, Elia, TransnetBW, Amprion, 50Hertz, National Grid, Swissgrid, Energinet, Scottish Power, EirGrid, Terna, PSE and the like. Through ENTSO-E we have easy access to most TSO's.
Since a number of years we also focus on the offshore wind energy sector in Europe.
Typical prospective clients in this segment are Ørsted, Eneco Wind, NUON, EDP Renewables, ENGIE, Vattenval and other wind farm owners.
More recently a number of offshore susbtations and convertor stations are being constructed to strengthen the offshore grids. This market is slowly becoming mature.
As a result on the increased infeed of offshore wind power and the high number of distributed solar power generators increased "instability" is introduced to the transmission networks. As a result of that an increased number of interconnectors have to be installed to inclease "stability". This results in an increased market demand for high voltage power cables, especially since more transmission system circuits are planned underground instead of via overhead lines. Existing overhead lines are being upgraded by using various techniques to avoid lengthy application procedures for new corridors.
Distribution networks will change dramatically to cope with changes in the way how power is generated. Large numbers of decentralised power sources, such as wind turbines and solar panels result in current flows becoming bi-directional as opposed to the conventional top down (uni-directional) electricity supply structure from transmission system via distribution system to teh consumer. The effect of prosumers (cloients who sometimes produce and sometimes consume) will have a distinct impact on our existing and future (smart) distribution networks. Electric vehiles and (battery) storage will also result in a significant impact on our (increasingly more mashed) distribution networks.
E.K. Lee